Month: December 2016

Conic Sections on New Year’s Eve.

Its been 21 days that I wrote something.And plus it’s the year end and people like us will give you a review of what all crap that took place in this one year.366 days.

Owing to a teeny tiny bit of research, here is a list of things that came off as a ‘woah’ factor.



c)Brangelina Issues.

d)The Great Win for Donald Trump.

e) Fidel Castro, Cuba’s leader of revolution.

f)I became an author.

g)I became a YouTuber.

h)I became more self-obsessed.

i)I realised how awesome I was.

j)More self-obsession.

k)I washed dishes for the first time this year.

l)I actually made something in the kitchen.

m)Wait, I was talking about WORLD events.Well, now I an talking about myself.

n)Still goes on.

o)I didn’t learn conic sections, which i was supposed to. *.*

Well,jokes or lame jokes apart, 2016 was a challenging year and I guess it’s not only for me but for everyone else.We experienced a lot of downfalls and achievements.We lost quite a few famous political leaders and gained some.Well,if it’s a gain or loss, we will find out in the future,won’t we ? In our personal lives too, we experienced a lot of downfalls and achievements.

It was not exactly a ‘shitty’ year.Because some of us always forget to count our blessings, don’t we ? It is always there.You just need to open your eyes wide and look for ’em.They are always there.

After seeing a Facebook post last New Year’s Eve,I started a new habit.The thing goes this way.Whatever goes well in my life or makes me happy,I note it down on a little paper chit,fold it neatly and toss it into a jar.By the end of the year,the jar would be full, believe it or not.Every little smile counts.Now,I have a jar that is waiting to explode.Just conquer over every shitty little thing with your happiness,whatever it may be.

Got a shawarma while you were starving and now you feel satisfied like you have never felt before?  Note it down.Excuse me if I sound weird but it is really exciting to read them on NYE.

Every little thing that made you smile can be noted down and you can show your gratitude for the same.Some might not have had the chance to experience whatever it is that thing like you,so aren’t you a lucky one ?

So stop wailing over your failures and those planned trips that never happened,  because that same shit is gonna take place all over again in 2017.Just the numbers change bro, people and YOU are the same.😂So be prepared.Brace yourself for the next attack.

However, keep your hopes high for a bright new year with lots of happiness and joy.Because come on,  2016 has already done most of the damage.You can keep your expectations low,but your hopes high.Believe in yourself.: )

This year was a roller coaster for me.Met a lot of new people,lost many,gained a lot,earned a few and cancelled out a few.

I don’t even know what the hell did I mean by the previous line.

The next year might be a boring one but I  am pretty sure if you guys take up the Great JAR Challenge as I call it,there will be a difference.😂

And the heading , I was supposed to learn conic sections and I didn’t.So now I gotta go learn that on NYE.See being a YouTuber, blogger and author can be time-consuming and you have no time for your own personal life.*hair flip*


I told you I was self-obsessed.And highly narcisstic.So get out.

Me:Not before I wish you.

Brain: Wish.

You gotta wish them or they are going to go.

Me: Okay,fine.*breathes in,breathes out*



Brain:You had one job.

*brain goes offline *

happy new year.bye.


Gotta go Conic Sectionyyy.I am lame.You have no idea what autocorrect was doing to me as I typed two words ‘Conic’ and ‘Sections’.xD


◇Dudette Lollipop◇

Blogging- My experience and reasons behind it.

Its been a long time I wrote something and nobody actually asked me as to why I wasn’t updating my blog.Probably, they are happy that I finally stopped writing so they are not forced to read whatever stupidity or foolishness that flies across my mind.Just kidding.One of them asked.Thank you Joel.😂

I had a lot of topics in my mind about social issues or even ‘issues’ happening around me, but you know I have a limited access to topics because I cannot just write whatever I feel like.They have to be acceptable to all age groups, ethnic groups, cultures, different classes of working population , adhere to the social standards of our society, stereotypes etc.Phew.Its tiring at times.But I will write because I am a legend.😎

The whole idea of blogging occurred to me as a part of a silly idea, but when I reconsidered my decision to start a site, I came up with valid reasons.First, blogging helps me to communicate to others and share my viewpoints with them, enhances my writing skills and learn how to face and handle criticism positively.Second, it helps me to create an identity of my own.I have always wanted to be known and I do not mean famous or popular but known and accepted by people using my own skills, talent or my own name.The thirst to create an independent identity regardless of my family background or any other aaspect.I wanted to carve my name in world history or atleast satisfy myself that I an an independent girl with a valid identity.

An another reason could be inspiration from my sister who started a blog website last September.Seeing her success made me rethink about my priorities.I felt the need to become unique and not follow the same path and as I grow older, take up the same routine family life.We know what happens usually in an Indian girl’s life when she becomes a responsible adult. I do not have anything against that, but its just my viewpoint that often girls forget to create and maintain an identity of their own.They are either known under their father’s name or their partner’s.It irks me,honestly .Therefore, I decided to do something worthwhile that will actually make me and my family happy along with regular academic stuff.And yes, I do not regret my decision but thankful for the way things turned out.

Next, talking about experience.Well, I gained a lot by writing.It makes me feel that I am of some use to Planet Earth and that people appreciate whatever I write about.It really makes my day, when people come up to me and talk about my blog and the topics I deal with.Sometimes, I feel nervous after posting my blog , that I switch off my phone and tab after that and go to sleep so I can handle the response later on.😂Blogging gives me the feeling that I actually do something with my life and satisfaction after posting any article.And that people actually read it ? Thank you.

Initially, I thought all the ‘blogging’ drama would end with the first or second blog post and  then I would go back to being the old version of who I was.But fortunately, I became more and more inclined towards writing that when I an really in the mood and there is so much to write about, I practically ignore my mom calling for dinner or even my friends’ calls.The ideas for each paragraph exist only for a moment and the moment I drift off, it’s gone.So,therefore ,ignorance at that point of time is the key.Mom’s chappal works too.

And to add to the work, I started writing a romance novel on Wattpad, about which I will be talking about later in my next post probably.I thought I will scrap the whole project by July by interestingly people read whatever I write.

Yeah, so can I call myself an Author ?Does feel cool.Pretty cool.So that’s how I got into blogging and got 1500+ views which is pretty less but much more than I expected which was 1 and that one view would be my mom’s, who apparently thinks that I am a unicorn from Heaven.

Yeah, so that’s it.I am done.

Hope you all have a great Advent ! ❤

Season’s Greetings to each one of you.

I am getting my papers on Monday.Wow.Good start for a new week.Damn.

-Dudette Lollipop (I don’t  know how I came up with such a ridiculously, amazing name.Maybe because..shush refer to the subordinate clause of the last line in the second paragraph.)
